Our Clinic

Aid Medical Services

Pain Clinic

It specializes in treating chronic diseases that did not respond to traditional and pharmacological treatment methods, and that By reducing the severity of the pain on the injured, and the nightmare was damaged on his social, psychological and physical life.

Orthopedic Clinic

Our doctors use their long experience to provide the highest quality standards Surgical, where their expertise qualifies them to determine the diagnoses delicate, complex surgical procedures Orthopedic and joint replacement.

Urology Clinic

We excel in medical aid with our exceptional care in diagnosis Treatment of urinary tract diseases for males and females and organs male genitalia, including the treatment of prostate conditions, Kidney problems, stone removal, and urinary incontinence treatment.

Medical Team

Dr. Osama AlShaya

MD, FRCSC, MHA, V.P and Executive Director Academic & Training Affairs

Dr. Naif Hamad Alsaikhan

MD, DABR, DR/IR Consultant and Academic Physician

Dr. Rsheed

Medical Director

Dr. Thamer

M.D., FRCSC Assistant Professor, Alfaisal University

Dr. Bader

MD, MSc, FRSCS Consultant Urologist